After the ALCAT test, I underwent a Visia Skin Analysis. It is a very slick piece of equipment that analyzes your top layer of skin as well as the layers beneath. It measures sun damage, wrinkles, pores and bacteria levels. It graphs everything and tells you how your skin compares to others your age and what areas could be improved.
I was happy that I had fewer wrinkles for my age than average but not so happy to hear my sun damage was greater. Not surprising to me. I had too many days in my teens lying out on the foil blankets with baby oil slathered on. It was bound to catch up. But the good news is, the product line I will be using, SkinMedica, is scientifically proven to actually improve all these different areas. It’s nice to know the results of using this product are actually measurable. They will perform this test again after 90 days.
Are you ready to start your journey? Schedule a consultation with us today! Request a consultation with our online form or call us at (260) 200-6013.