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Before any procedure, I address how best to prepare for a surgical encounter. I view the surgery as I do an athletic event, whether running a marathon or riding your bike in a Century (100 mile ride). The better we train and prepare, the better experience we will have as far as performance, personal best, less risk of injury and faster recovery time.

With this idea in mind I always counsel my partners to STOP smoking, and eat a healthful diet. The first is straight forward, but the latter is nebulous. That is why I obtained my Nutrition and Wellness Consult degree in 2009, so I could help you attain the best nutrition for life and ensure the best outcome and protect your investment in the procedure we have jointly chosen to meet your goals.

I operate on “the skin and its contents”. Many do not realize that the skin is the largest organ of the body. I have psoriasis and am one of the few 5% of those individuals who suffers from psoriatic arthritis. This is an inflammatory process that affects different joints of the body. Unfortunately, this affected my hands and fingers to the point I almost was forced to retire from plastic surgery in 2007, as I had to relearn how to hold surgical instruments in surgery.

I tried traditional medical treatments of anti-inflammatory pills as well as steroid injections into each of my hand joints (knuckles) on three separate occasions, yet the pain persisted and actually was worsening.

A friend suggested I try Zija from the Moringa Oleifera tree to feed my body pure nutrients in an easily absorbable form. It did feed my system and the 36 naturally occurring anti-inflammatories allowed my body to heal itself.

This is why I strongly recommend starting Zija one month before the procedure and at least two months after when the nutrients for healing are needed the most. This helps the body’s systems tune up and heal faster. Many experience the benefits and wish to enjoy Zija for life. I know I will!

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