To direct one’s hopes or ambitions toward achieving something.
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Childbirth and aging can affect the appearance and function of the female genital area, as can congenital irregularities. With the rise in Brazilian waxing, women are becoming more conscious of these changes and differences. Fortunately, Dr. Lee can address these concerns through the cosmetic genital procedure labiaplasty.
Labiaplasty, also known as “labial reduction,” is surgery on the labia (the “lips” surrounding the vagina). In some women, the labia are enlarged or elongated, causing discomfort when wearing certain clothes or engaging in exercise, hygiene issues, and self-consciousness. Labiaplasty might include the labia major (the larger, outer vaginal lips), the labia minor (the smaller, inner vaginal lips), or both. Labiaplasty changes the size and/or shape of the labia to correct an asymmetry or make them smaller.
Before Your Procedure
Knowing what to do and what to expect before your surgery will make for the best possible outcome.
If you’re a smoker, you will be asked to stop smoking well before surgery. You may need to get lab testing or a medical evaluation to take certain medications or adjust your current medications.
You will need to avoid aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs before surgery because they can cause increased bleeding. Dr. Lee will provide additional preoperative instructions.
Your surgery will be performed at the fully accredited Southwest Surgical Suites. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you at least the first night following surgery.
Typically, general anesthesia is used for vaginoplasty, though local anesthesia and intravenous sedation may be an option for labiaplasty. Dr. Lee will recommend the type of anesthesia best for you.
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After Your Procedure
When your surgery is complete, you’ll be taken into a recovery area, where you will be closely monitored. You’ll receive detailed instructions for your post-surgical care. In most cases, you’ll go home in just a few hours. You will need a caregiver to drive you home and to stay with you for the first 24 hours to watch for signs of complications.
You will experience discomfort at the surgical site for the first few days after your vaginal cosmetic surgery, but you will receive prescriptions for pain medications and possibly antibiotics. You likely will be able to return to work after a week. You will need to avoid intercourse for six to eight weeks post-operatively.
If you experience shortness of breath, chest pains, or an unusual heart rhythm during this time, seek medical attention immediately. It’s extremely important to follow your post-operative instructions.
Dr. Brian Lee
Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Brian Lee has been in practice for over 2 decades, serving the Fort Wayne community for all their aesthetic and cosmetic needs. He is proud to work alongside his talented team and looks forward to seeing new and returning patients in his office.
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Understanding the Risks
Every year, thousands of women undergo successful cosmetic genital surgery, and Dr. Lee is a board-certified plastic surgeon with decades of experience. However, every plastic surgery procedure has risks.
Dr. Lee will review your personal history to identify any areas of concern. Some potential complications include reactions to anesthesia, blood accumulation that may need to be drained surgically, and infection.
Risks of labiaplasty include:
- Infection
- Permanent changes in sensation
- Scarring
- Poor healing of incisions
- Fluid accumulation
- Blood clots
- Pain, which may persist
- Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
- Possibility of revisional surgery
Dr. Lee will discuss these risks with you during your consultation. Please be sure to ask him any questions or concerns you might have.
Results of Your Procedure
Labiaplasty can have many benefits, depending on the individual. The procedures can relieve discomfort and irritation, improve genital hygiene, help you feel better about yourself and your partner, enhance sexual self-esteem and confidence, and make you more comfortable with your intimate life.
The key to a truly successful cosmetic genital surgery is maintaining an open line of communication with Dr. Lee and the Aspire Plastic Surgery & Medical Spa experts, and adhering to their recommendations. Dr. Lee and his team are eager to respond to your questions and concerns and can help provide skin care to maintain and enhance your results—they are your partners in achieving the results that you seek.
Frequently Asked Questions about Labiaplasty
What are the restrictions after labiaplasty?
After labiaplasty, you should avoid strenuous activities, sexual intercourse, and tight clothing for about 4-6 weeks while you heal. You may also be asked to abstain from certain medications or activities, depending on your usual day-to-day routine.
Can I drive myself home after labiaplasty?
No, you should arrange for someone to drive you home after labiaplasty. You will be groggy and sore after your surgery, even if you spend the night to recover, and should not be operating any machinery especially while on pain medication.
How do you wipe after labiaplasty?
After labiaplasty, it's recommended to gently pat the area dry instead of wiping. You can also gently run water over the area or use a small spray bottle to remove any leftover urine.
How painful is labiaplasty recovery?
Labiaplasty recovery is generally mild to moderate in terms of pain, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication and following aftercare steps.
Does labiaplasty affect pleasure?
Labiaplasty typically does not affect sexual pleasure and, for some patients, can actually enhance comfort and confidence during sexual activity. Be sure to abstain from any sexual activities for at least 6 weeks following your surgery to ensure proper healing.
Dr. Lee is an absolute artist. Not only does he assure you through the process, he is very detail-oriented. If I can offer any advice to future patients of Dr. Lee, TRUST HIM! He had some ideas of his own, and I sort of let him take the reins, and boy, am I happy I did! WONDERFUL work! I feel perfect! Thoughtful, thorough, insightful, knowledgeable, detail-oriented, caring and experienced. I could go on for paragraphs. Who goes into surgery at ease, and comes out a bit swollen and somewhat swelled…YET SMILING and HAPPY? Dr. Lee’s patients. He even personally called that evening to check in. Absolutely hands down the best doctor I have ever had the experience of encountering—and I did my fair share of research!
- Written by Sarah B.F.
Dr. Lee is the best doctor I have ever encountered. He cares and explains everything thoroughly, and he especially takes the time to talk and listen to his patients. He is an outstanding doctor! He does a great job at what he does!
- Written by Roxanne
I can speak about someone whom I was in a romantic relationship with who went to see Dr. Lee for a consultation and then to have two fairly significant procedures done. From the very first meeting, all the way through her recovery from both procedures, Dr. Lee and his staff were nothing but the best they could be. I was just amazed how upbeat and positive Dr. Lee and his staff made her feel every step of the way. Dr. Lee is not just a gifted, board-certified plastic surgeon with 22 years of experience who has an amazing staff of caring people. He CHANGES PEOPLE’S LIVES!! He is gifted, he is talented, he is polite, friendly, articulate and, most of all, humble. He does not brag or boast or have an ego. He has a gift and love for what he does, and it shows in how he does it with every single patient every single day. The Fort Wayne medical community is blessed and fortunate to have Dr. Lee as one of its members, and we are fortunate to have him as a member of our community.
- Written by John R.
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Request a Consultation
The first step is to schedule a consultation at Aspire’s Fort Wayne location. During your consultation, Dr. Lee will spend some time getting to know you. He will ask about the motivation behind your decision, examine your vaginal area and take photos for your records.
Be prepared to discuss your medical history, including any medical conditions, drug allergies, previous surgeries or medical treatments, and current medications. Dr. Lee has performed procedures for patients in the Angola, Warsaw, Huntington, and Roanoke areas. With Dr. Lee’s experience, you can be assured of a safe and successful procedure.