The perfect result can mean many different things to many different people. At the same time, there are some shared aesthetics when it comes to appearance. This is where a great plastic surgeon and a patient come together.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recently published a study that found that a particular breast shape is most appealing to a majority of the people surveyed. While the study assigned ratios to the portion of the breast above the nipple and below the nipple, I view it from an artistic perspective. The idea is to give a natural-appearing, soft, flowing breast with gentle slopes and curves and a volume that is proportional to the frame of the body. It’s the same shape I try to create whether performing a breast augmentation, breast reduction or mastopexy (breast lift).
The interesting and challenging thought is not so much the general consensus on the shape of the breast, but how do we, as surgeons, attain this ideal result? That is where years of experience and thousands of cases help board-certified plastic surgeons understand some of the nuances of tissue and its gravitation effects over time.
Communication is also necessary, as beauty is clearly in the eye of the beholder; in fact, not everyone surveyed agreed on the ideal. Being able to understand a patient’s desires and explain what can be accomplished is paramount to a good outcome and a satisfied patient. Surgery is not an exact science; a good, trusting relationship helps to work through any potential issues. This is where I seek to specialize—in developing relationships that allow me to execute best practices while allowing my patients to achieve their goals and dreams.
—Dr. Brian Lee