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Good skincare has been a journey for most of us. It usually starts with an in-home party at a friend’s house, where we learn we need to cleanse, tone and moisturize. We try new products that promise so much, and we get caught up in the buzz of something new that our friends are using in hopes it will fix our skincare concerns.

We seek the saleswoman at the makeup counter, and she tells us we need to cleanse, tone and moisturize. Even after a month of using the products, however, we see no change. And our bathrooms soon resemble a department store makeup counter.

The people selling skincare products in department stores or at in-home parties generally have little to no medical expertise or knowledge of the biochemistry or pharmacology of the products they sell. But we all have one thing in common; we love skincare and want beautiful skin.

What I have found over the past 15 years as an esthetician is that to cleanse, tone and moisturize is perfectly fine if you want to preserve your skin. But to improve your skin requires a new approach. Discover the next step in your personal skincare journey during a skincare consultation. For just $40, you get a personalized analysis, one-on-one education and even a treatment:

It starts with a Visia Skin Analysis. We take three pictures of your face with our Visia machine. The Visia Complexion Analysis System scans your skin and captures key visual information, using multi-spectral imaging and analysis, of eight areas that affect your skin’s health and appearance. We use the VISIA to measure your skin pigmentation, pore size, porphyrins (evidence of bacteria), UV spots, photo damage (typically from sun damage), texture and wrinkles.

Educating our patients is key for us. We will explain to you SkinMedica’s G R A S S system for optimal skincare and customize a skincare plan for you using the results of your Visia analysis.

Finally, we perform a microdermabrasion treatment to send you home with a glowing and smooth complexion.

It is our goal to give you the best results possible. We believe educating our patients is vital to achieve that goal and help you see a difference in your skin!

Your skincare girls,

Kari and Jessica

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Are you ready to start your journey? Schedule a consultation with us today! Request a consultation with our online form or call us at (260) 200-6013.

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