Acne and chicken pox scars; brown spots and uneven coloring; wrinkles around your mouth; crow’s feet; sun damage…we wear our lives on our faces.
But you can uncover a fresh new face by treating the skin with a chemical designed to remove the damaged outer layer of your skin. There are several types of chemicals varying in strength, length of time left on the skin or how thick they are applied. Your individual skin quality, desired results and time available to recuperate will determine the type of chemical peel for you.
There’s a tremendous amount of science that goes into determining which chemical peel is best suited for you. There also are a number of variables to determine which peel will give you the best results for your needs. This is why our skin-care professionals at Aspire Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa undergo so much training and are under the guidance of Dr. Lee!
The first variable is Glogau’s Photo Aging Classification System. This is based primarily on a visual examination:
Skin Classification I
Usually teens to 20 year olds
Mild pigment changes
No keratoses (skin growths)
Minimal dynamic wrinkles—wrinkles that appear upon movement
Skin Classification II
Usually 20- to 30-somethings
A few age spots
Keratoses can be felt but not seen
More dynamic wrinkles
A few static wrinkles—wrinkles apparent when the face is at rest
Skin Classification III
Usually 40-50-plus years old
Obvious skin discoloration and dilated blood vessels
Visible keratoses
Obvious static wrinkles
Skin Classification IV
Usually 60- to 70-somethings
No non-wrinkled skin
Sallow skin color
Possible history of skin cancer
Those in Skin Classification I are not candidates for deep peels because of the risk of pigment changes. Light and medium peels are best for Skin Classifications I and II. Deep peels work well for Skin Classification IV because they increase collagen and help decrease wrinkles.
Next time: Fitzpatrick Skin Types.