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You know that friend who always goes out and tries things first, then shares the scoop with you so that you know what to expect? We want to be that friend.

So today we’re going to give you the real deal on Botox and Dysport. Here are a few pointers to make the process as smooth as your skin will soon be.

Do your workout before you get Botox or Dysport. Avoid working out for 24 hours after you get the injection. That doesn’t let you off the hook for a week!

You should stop taking things that thin the blood one week before your appointment, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Exedrin, St. John’s Wart, Vitamin E, fish oil or omega-3s, ginko bilboa and ginseng.

The practitioner is going to rub off your makeup in the area where you’re being injected with an antiseptic, so don’t bother applying your makeup beforehand.

You will be asked to squint or frown. It feels funny to frown at the practitioner, but do it anyway. This shows her where those lines are, so that she can inject the muscles underneath.

It does sting, but not a lot. The needles are really, really small. And they’re in and out very quickly.

You might have some tiny red dots afterward where you received the injections. Wear your hair loose over your forehead for the rest of the day or bring along some makeup. We also can offer you a little Colorescience powder from the testing bar.

Don’t rub the injection site for a few hours after your treatment—you can spread the solution around, and it can affect undesired areas. For the same reason, avoid leaning forward or lying down for the first hour after your procedure.

You’ll have to forgo facials, microdermabrasion or peels for at least 24 hours after receiving Botox or Dysport.

It will take as long as a week for the results of the injections to be visible, so don’t worry if you still see your frown or wrinkles for a few days. Worrying will just make those wrinkles worse anyway.

Botox or Dysport may relieve some types of headaches. A great bonus, no?

For more, check out this video on Botox and Dysport by our very own Jill Carnahan, RN, MSN, NP!

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