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In some cases, more than one procedure is necessary to achieve your desired breast size, shape, and position. For women who are concerned about their deflated and sagging breasts, a breast lift with implants, may be an excellent solution to their cosmetic concerns.

If you lost weight, have been pregnant, or are breastfeeding, breast augmentation with a lift can help restore rounder, fuller breasts and lift them to a higher and more appealing position. Depending on your unique concerns, every patient experience will vary.

At the end of your procedure, you will have perkier, more youthful, and voluminous breasts that improve the balance of your figure and provide a look that you will love. The results also include a significant boost in self-esteem and self-image!

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Before Your Procedure

Knowing what to expect and how to prepare for your surgery will make for the best possible results.

Dr. Lee may recommend a mammogram before surgery to detect any changes in your breast tissue. If you smoke, you will need to quit weeks before surgery. You may also need lab testing or medical evaluations, to prepare for your surgery.

You need to avoid anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, before surgery, because it can cause bleeding complications. During your consultation, Dr. Lee will provide additional preoperative instructions.

The operation is performed at the accredited Southwest Surgical Suites. Make sure you have someone drive you home after surgery and stay with you at least for one night. Typically, Dr. Lee will administer general anesthesia for this procedure.

Dr. Brian Lee 


Double Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Brian Lee has been in practice for over 2 decades, serving the Fort Wayne community for all their aesthetic and cosmetic needs. He is proud to work alongside his talented team and looks forward to seeing new and returning patients in his office.

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Your Procedure

There are several techniques and approaches for breast augmentation with lift. Dr. Lee will choose the optimal one for you based on your breast size and shape, the position and size of the areolas, and your skin elasticity. Incisions may be made around the areola; around the areola and down to the crease of the breast; or around the areola, down to the breast crease, and horizontally along the crease. These incisions are hidden in the natural folds of your breast as much as possible, but some lines may remain and fade over time.

During your breast lift with implants, breast tissue will be lifted and reshaped, and the areola will be relocated for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Then the breast implants of your choice will be inserted to create volume where it’s needed. Sutures are made in layers to support the deep breast tissue and close surface incisions. Tubes may be used to help drain fluid and avoid complications.

After Your Procedure

When surgery is complete, you will be transferred to a recovery area where your health is closely monitored. Your breasts will be wrapped in a surgical bra or gauze dressings to maintain the new structure. Dr. Lee will provide detailed post-surgical care instructions, including drains if they are used. In most cases, you will return home a few hours after surgery.

You will also be walking on the same day of your surgery. Your breasts will feel sore and stiff for a few days, and Dr. Lee will remove any dressings within that time. Then you will be required to wear a support bra. Showering is allowed three to seven days after surgery and stitches will be removed after one week.

You should not lift, bend, or engage in any strenuous activity for the first two weeks. It may be difficult to raise your arms, and you may notice some swelling and bruising at first, but this subsides quickly. All swelling should heal within a month.

In most cases, women return to work within a few days after their procedure depending on their job. You should be cautious with your breasts by avoiding excessive motion, force, or abrasion for the first month.

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Understanding the Risks

Many women undergo breast augmentation with a lift with successful and positive outcomes. Dr. Lee, a board-certified plastic surgeon, has decades of experience, but every surgical procedure carries some risk.

Some potential complications may include adverse reactions to anesthesia, blood accumulation, and infection. You may also experience changes in nipple or breast sensation although this may be temporary.

Capsular contracture may occur, which occurs when a scar capsule forms around the breast implant. This may tighten and compress the implant, causing discomfort and firmness. In these cases, additional surgery may be necessary to remove the scar tissue or to remove and replace the implant.

Other risks of breast augmentation with lift include:

  • Unsightly scarring
  • Poor incision healing
  • Implant ruptures or leakage
  • Rippling or wrinkling skin over the implant
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Blood clots
  • Persistent pain
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Possibility of revision surgery

Dr. Lee will discuss all of these risks with you during your initial consultation. Don’t hesitate to address any questions or concerns that you may have.

Dr. Lee is the most amazing doctor I have ever met. He has an awesome bedside manner, professionalism and a caring personality. He really knows what he is doing. The one thing I wanted most when I went to see him for a breast augmentation was to be proportionate. This is exactly what he gave me! The trust you feel when you first meet him and his caring attitude after the surgery is one of a kind. I had some nerve endings that were causing me pain, and he answered my call without any hesitation and said call for absolutely anything. I would recommend him to anyone!

- Written by Jennifer

Where do I begin with Dr. Lee? For starters, he saved my life! After a horrific car accident, he basically skin-grafted my arm, which saved my arm. When I caught a life-threatening infection in my leg, he did major tissue surgery on my leg, and did amazing liposuction and scar revision surgery on my injured leg. I can only speak from experience—Dr. Lee is truly a remarkable doctor and person. He cares about everyone’s story and will give you the best advice for your plastic surgery adventure!

- Written by Erin B.

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Results of Your Procedure

Breast augmentation with a lift, or mastopexy, will significantly improve the shape, fullness, and perkiness of your breasts. You’ll most likely enjoy an improved self-confidence and lifestyle. You will notice the results immediately after your procedure is complete, and its appearance will continue to improve as swelling heals and incisions fade over time.

To undergo a successful breast augmentation with a lift, you should maintain an open line of communication with Dr. Lee and closely follow his instructions and recommendations. He and his team are looking forward to responding to your questions and concerns and helping provide ways to enhance your results.

Sources: The American Society of Plastic Surgeons; The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Dr. Lee is the most amazing doctor I have ever met. He has an awesome bedside manner, professionalism and a caring personality. He really knows what he is doing. The one thing I wanted most when I went to see him for a breast augmentation was to be proportionate. This is exactly what he gave me! The trust you feel when you first meet him and his caring attitude after the surgery is one of a kind. I had some nerve endings that were causing me pain, and he answered my call without any hesitation and said call for absolutely anything. I would recommend him to anyone!

- Written by Jennifer

Where do I begin with Dr. Lee? For starters, he saved my life! After a horrific car accident, he basically skin-grafted my arm, which saved my arm. When I caught a life-threatening infection in my leg, he did major tissue surgery on my leg, and did amazing liposuction and scar revision surgery on my injured leg. I can only speak from experience—Dr. Lee is truly a remarkable doctor and person. He cares about everyone’s story and will give you the best advice for your plastic surgery adventure!

- Written by Erin B.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Augmentation with Lift

Is it better to get implants with a breast lift?

Breast lift and augmentation can achieve a more comprehensive enhancement, restoring firmness and volume. However, the decision to undergo both procedures depends on individual goals, anatomy, and the recommendations of Dr. Lee.

How long does a breast lift and augmentation last?

The longevity of a breast lift and augmentation can vary depending on factors such as individual anatomy, lifestyle, and surgical techniques used. Generally, the results of a breast lift with augmentation can last for many years, with some individuals experiencing lasting results for a decade or more.

How painful is breast lift with implants?

The level of pain experienced during a breast lift with implants can vary from person to person, and it's important to discuss pain management options with your surgeon before the procedure. While discomfort is common in the initial days after surgery, it is typically manageable with prescribed pain medication and proper post-operative care.

Do nipples drop after breast lift?

Nipple position after a breast lift can be influenced by various factors, including surgical technique, skin elasticity, and individual healing. Proper support and adherence to post-operative care instructions can help optimize healing and maintain nipple position.

Will a breast lift reduce cup size?

Rather than altering the overall volume, a breast lift primarily addresses sagging and reshapes the breast tissue. While some reduction in apparent cup size may occur due to tissue tightening and repositioning, the main goal of a breast lift is to achieve a more youthful and lifted appearance.

Request a Consultation

The first step of breast augmentation with a lift is an in-depth consultation with Dr. Lee. At our Fort Wayne office, you will meet with Dr. Lee to discuss why you want to undergo this procedure and your desired outcomes. He will examine your breasts and take photos for your medical records. Dr. Lee will also note the size of your breasts and the quality of your skin to determine the best course of action for your surgery. He provides premier care and treats many patients from the Huntington, Roanoake, and Warsaw areas.

For your consultation, be prepared to discuss your medical history, including medical conditions, allergies, previous surgeries, and current medications. Also, let Dr. Lee know if you are planning to become pregnant or lose a significant amount of weight in the near future. These factors may affect your long-term results.

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